Individual Mentor Coaching

Individual Mentor Coaching

What makes the difference between spinning your wheels, and becoming a truly exceptional coach?

In a profession that’s increasingly flooded with people taking coaching training, what is the ‘secret’ behind those who succeed, build a flourishing business and bring real value to their coaches… and those who don’t?

For me personally, that ‘secret’ was private mentor coaching. I hired a mentor coach the day I signed up for coach training, and I’ve worked with mentor coaches continuously ever since. It’s been the key ingredient in being joyfully and profitably self-employed for over 15 years with a worldwide practice.

One of my passions is empowering coaches to become the coach they aspire to be.

My specialties are:

new coaches, launching their private practice or internal coaching service
seasoned coaches, re-focusing to their ideal business

Private mentor coaching focuses on the three essentials: growing exceptional coaching skills, learning the nuts and bolts of building a successful business, and developing your uniquely effective ways of attracting clients.

How does mentor coaching work? Learn more…